Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With A Single Step...

I think I'm going to have to take a moment right here before I go any further in this post to say that i am SOOOO SORRRY!!!!! for being the most pathetic of bloggers in the HISTORY of bloggers this past month. I don't want to sound like I'm making excuses but really...I can explain...promise!! :)

You see, I've just come back from one of the most hectic, exciting, terrifying and at the same time totally amazing school holidays I've experienced yet!

I've been inspired immensely, conquered some of my greatest fears, met the most remarkable people,  and had an (almost) near death experience--- All whilst staying within the boundaries of Australia.

I'll split my tale into two parts because I have that much to tell you!

Part one...

Begins with me packing..and re-packing...and then packing again...for a Youth Leadership Camp here in WA I'd been selected to go to - one of only 30 in the State.
As lucky as I was, I couldn't help but feel reeeallly nervous...and kind of in shock that I had actually been chosen in the first place!!
And I'm not gonna lie, I was having a mini freak out about being the only non-freakishly smart one there too, I mean....


I almost stopped packing right then and there!

But it's a good thing I didn't, because after the first 'awkward hour' of meeting everyone, I soon started to learncjust how much I had in common with all these people.

The first night there, I came out of my dorm to find my neighbour standing in the hallway, just chilling in a onesie.

Needless to say, I liked her instantly :D

About 95 % of them wanted to go to Uni overseas too! One of them had his sights set on Columbia so we might be America buddies together :) hehe For the first time in...well...EVER, I felt like I was completely understood. It was so unbelievably refreshing to be surrounded by people my age with such high ambitions- people who wanted to change the world as badly as I do and who actually believed they had the power to do so for a change! I think that's so unbelievably important.

The itinerary for the week long camp was packed, rising at 6am, with lights out at 11pm.

The biggest event was the 'Middle Eastern Role Play Scenario' where the 30 of us were split into delegate countries of the Middle East or the USA and had to, in a formal boardroom at a local university, come to a peaceful resolution to the situation presented to us. I was in Lebanon and our aim was to gain back a Lebanese politician safely who had been held hostage by an Israeli extremist.

It was pretty intense stuff! Not to mention it required loads of research and preparation before the camp even started but I did find it super interesting :) Maybe I am a bit of a 'nerd' after all?

And proud OF it!!!

They also hired an actor to play the extremist...which made it even more exciting!
It definitely added to the pressure in the room though...

One of the hardest tasks of the camp, for me, was the 'leap of faith'.

After building a raft and paddling around in a muddy old lake for a good 20 minutes at 5 degrees, they wanted me to jump off a 15m high pole.


^ me.

Well I've only been terrified of heights since birth but somehow I ended up being the first girl to try it.

As I shakily reached further up the pole (clinging to it for dear life as I did so), I started to doubt myself and shamefully asked if they would let me down.

Ok so I was sort of begging....

But still they refused to relieve me from my suffering and started to encourage me some more. I thought that would be more of a distraction than help but their support somehow made me feel stronger and I...ever so slowly... made it to the top!!!!!!

I don't think I had ever been so petrified or proud in my life!!!!!

It took me a good while to build up enough courage to jump but I DID IT !!!!!

And that's pretty much what the whole camp was about - just doing it. Even in the face of your greatest fear.

As in the wise words of Lao-Tzu,

"A journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step..."

Until next time....

Katelynn xxx

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