Wednesday, June 1, 2011

An eye-opening morning...

This morning on the way to school, mum had the car radio playing softly and I tuned it out of my thoughts as I watched the rain falling down softly across the window pane. I was so comfortable, so untroubled by anything greater than the trivial little issues I faced at school. My school that is so comfortable and so sheltered from this 'big, bad world' that so many people tell me exists. They tell me it exists so I believe them. But do I really know? I'm 15. I've had 'challenges' so far...but I've also had support. Lots of it. I have strength in the form of several important women in my life- all of whom I am able to use as a guiding light to teach me the difference between what is right and what is wrong...

So that is why, when I turned up the volume of the radio this morning, I was absolutely appalled at what I was hearing and found myself transfixed in shock- horror with the story of one of the most sadistic and barbaric reports I had ever heard!

Far worse than anything I had heard of in my life. This was sick. 

It was about a video that had been released, revealing the cruelty towards Australian cattle in Indonesian abattoirs. The RSPCA had spent hours reviewing footage from slaughterhouses and found that every slaughter facility filmed by Animals Australia had breached the International Animal Welfare standards. They discovered that on average, animals had their throats cut ten times before they died. RSPCA chief scientist Bidda Jones said, "Some of them had up to 33 cuts"

I don't know about you, but in my eyes, anyone that is capable of committing that level of cruelty is both diabolical and mentally insane. One thing is for sure, no one was there to teach them  the difference between right and wrong when they were a kid...

The good news is that there is something that can be done to put a stop to this...

There are now websites supporting the cause of saving these animals subjected to such barbarism such as RSPCA ( go to ) where you can sign a petition and send a letter to Julia Gillard to put a stop to the live export of Australian cattle to places where they will be abused.

I emplore you all to act now and give a voice to those who have none, being the decent, compassionate human beings I know you are capable of being.  It is our duty as humans with power to protect the vulnerable.

Put simply in the words of a very wise man...

"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing"
  ~ Walt Disney (1901-66)


Approximately 1183 days to go...

Until next time...

Katelynn xx

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