Ivy Climbing.
I know I might sound a tad pretentious in using that title... Perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself here?? Some say I'm too ambitious. Unrealistic. If I only had a dollar for the amount of times I heard "But you're only 15..." or maybe TWO for the cynical looks I receive upon mentioning Yale to anyone that asks about what I plan to do with my future. Is it really such an outrageous dream though?
It seems that lately people have forgotten how to dream. They're dream crushers. Stuck to the confines of their own narrow minded views and 'realistic' lifestyles. Come on, it's the twenty-first Century people!!
There's a Nelson Mandela quote that has always stuck with me..."Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world."
God, he's just so freaking awesome.
So anyways, I can't remember the exact date that I realised this dream of mine but it was sometime last year. Sometime last year, I realised that I had to do everything in my power to get to Yale. Don't ask me why. Obviously it's one of the best (in my opinion, THE best) universities on Earth but for some reason, I cringe to think of attending any other university. CRINGE. Nope, it has to be Yale. I should probably let you know....in case you haven't already realised...that I am extremely stubborn. No convincing from the 'Dream Crushers' has been able to dissuade me from my choice.
I know it might sound crazy but hey, you only live once right? I think it would be just plain stupid of me to not at least try and do this. They do say, after all, that it's "the journey, not the destination, that counts" and that is exactly what I intend 'Ivy Climbing' to be about. My journey. I'm inviting all of you (Even if there is no one reading this...YET) to join me on my journey to Yale. Who knows what the outcome will be. All I can do is aspire and achieve the very best I possibly can. What I can guarantee is that there will be a whole lot of laughs (not to mention speed bumps) along the way.
A closing thought....
"I keep six honest-serving men
(They taught me all I know);
Their names are What and Why and When
And How and Where and Who."
- Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)
Approximately 1189 Days to go and counting...
Until next time...
Katelynn xx
Until next time...
Katelynn xx